Membership Information

Membership is open to and composed of persons who own property within the following subdivisions that are located in Polk County, TX:

Indian Hill Estates I, II, III, IV 

Indian Hill Heights I, II, III (Pat’s Point)

Indian Hill Harbor Addition

Membership in the Club is voluntary and shall be by the payment of annual dues as set by the members.  Current Membership dues are $75.00 a year.  Each member shall have one vote.  Any spouse or co-owner may be an individual member.  Annual dues shall run from January 1 – December 31.  Dues may not be pro-rated, transferred or refunded.  Membership dues may be changed by a majority vote of a least 51% of all Club members.  Members of the Club in good standing shall have the right to vote, to hold office and to initiate resolutions, plans, policies and projects and present them to the membership for consideration.

If you are not a member, please consider a membership.  We need your support.

What Can I Do for My Neighborhood?

The greatest contribution you, as an individual, can make in your neighborhood is to make yourself available. Utilizing your enthusiasm and unique skills for the betterment of your community can be a great personal experience. The amount of time you spend is a very personal decision. However, the adage that states, “a little bit is better than nothing at all” holds true. Decide how much time you must give and then set about determining on how best to serve your community.

Click below for Membership Form: