The Civic Club

The Indian Hill Peninsula Civic Club and Community Center are located at 171 Olympic Dr. on beautiful Lake Livingston at the end of FM 2457 off Hwy 190.  

  • We are a non-profit organization benefiting the current property owners in the subdivisions.  
  • We hold quarterly business meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the first month of each quarter at 4 p. m.
  • All property owners are welcome, but you must be a dues paying member to vote on Civic Club business.      

The Peninsula has continued to see many properties change hands, and many new homes being built. We hope those of you new to the Peninsula will consider becoming members, and appreciate our current members renewing their support.  Besides allowing your family to vote for Civic Club leadership and issues important for our community, these dues are used to pay necessary expenses to maintain our community.  Some of these expenses include the following:

  • Get togethers for all property owners including the Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Parade, Halloween Celebration, Christmas Gift Exchange and other Civic Club activities.
  • Insurance and taxes on Civic Club buildings and properties.
  • Upkeep with the Civic Club grounds, The Point, The Park and Entrance of the Subdivision.
  • Pond area maintenance, including our new and beautiful fountain.
  • Electricity & water for the Civic Club building, storage shed and lights at The Point.

Current Board Members for 2025

Dale Ann Ovelgonne, President      

Lynne McCrary, Treasurer

Amy Hendrix, Secretary

Celeste Williamson, Sergeant at Arms